How are jurors selected for jury service?
Prospective jurors are randomly selected from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles records. These records include all Orange and Osceola County residents eighteen years of age and older who are licensed drivers, and those who have a Florida Identification Card.
How long does jury service last?
Jury service will typically last one day or the length of one trial. Jury service does not end at a specific time of day, so please plan on serving the entire day. Whether or not you serve on a jury trial, your jury service for that day will be recognized as fulfilling your obligation for one year.
What should I wear to jury service?
Jurors should report for jury service in a manner that is respectful of the court. Please dress in business casual attire. It is recommended that you bring a sweater or light jacket because the temperatures in the jury assembly room and courtrooms are unpredictable.
Is parking provided for jurors?
In Orange County, jurors may park free of charge at the Courthouse parking garage located on the corner of Orange and Amelia Avenues. Upon entering the garage, please pull a ticket and bring it with you to the jury room. You may park in the parking garage for the duration of your service, but you cannot exit and return to the garage multiple times in one day. Do not back into the parking space as you will receive a parking ticket from the City of Orlando. Any vehicle entering the Courthouse Garage must meet the 6’8” height clearance.
In Osceola County, jurors may park free of charge at the Courthouse parking garage located on Bryan Street. You will not have to pull a ticket and you may enter and exit the garage multiple times on a given day. You can also park in any of the surface lots surrounding the courthouse, except the one-hour parking lot directly adjacent to the courthouse.
What happens if I fail to appear for jury service?
Section 40.23 of the Florida Statutes states that “failure to attend as a juror upon being duly summoned may result in a fine not to exceed $100.” In addition to the fine, you may also face contempt proceedings which could result in the imposition of community service or other sanctions, including jail time.
If you failed to report for jury service, you will receive a failure to appear letter instructing you to contact the jury department. As long as you reschedule your service and report on that date, you will not receive a fine or other sanctions.
What do I do if I have a prior important appointment or vacation scheduled?
As a matter of convenience, the Court will allow for a one-time postponement. You can defer your service up to six months out by visiting the court’s jury webpage and selecting a deferral date.
What happens if an emergency happens on my service date?
If you are sick or an emergency occurs on your service date, please contact the jury services department and inform a jury services clerk. They will reschedule your jury service. Contact information is provided below for each county’s jury department:
Orange County Jury Service is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (excluding holidays). Jurors may call (407)836-2206 to speak with a staff member. The Orange County Jury Service address is:
Orange County Courthouse
425 N. Orange Ave., Suite #180
Orlando, FL 32801
Osceola County Jury Service is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (excluding holidays). Jurors may call (407)742-2423 to speak with a staff member. The Osceola County Jury Service address is:
Osceola County Courthouse
2 Courthouse Square, Suite 1100
Kissimmee, FL 34741