On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. will hold Order to Show Cause Hearings in Courtroom 4A of the Osceola County Courthouse for citizens of Osceola County who had previously failed to report for jury duty despite having been summoned to do so.
Jurors play an important role in our judicial system. Without their participation, persons going to trial would not be guaranteed the constitutional right to have the facts of their case determined by a jury of their peers.
The Ninth Circuit appreciates the sacrifice of time and energy jurors make in order to report for jury duty. For this reason, citizens summoned for jury duty are normally notified well in advance of their report date so that they can make the necessary arrangements to report for jury service.
Residents receiving failure to appear notices had previously failed to report for jury duty, had been contacted by the jury department to reschedule their jury service and then failed to report on the rescheduled date.
For additional information, please contact Julio Semino, Court Support Manger, at ctadjs1@ocnjcc.org or call 407-836-0403.