A photo of Karen Levey being presented the Robert Craig Waters Lifetime Achievement Award

Yesterday, the Florida Court Public Information Officers organization awarded the Robert Craig Waters Lifetime Achievement Award to their 2024 recipient: the Ninth’s own Karen Levey. 

This special honor recognizes judges, court staff, or other individuals who have made significant contributions to the establishment and/or improvement of court communications in the Judicial Branch of Florida. And we can’t think of anyone more deserving of this recognition than Karen. 

In the over three decades she has spent with the courts, Karen has proven herself to be an invaluable public servant. It was her ingenuity and resourcefulness that was essential to organizing the media frenzy caused by the Casey Anthony trial. And, since then, her resourcefulness and ingenuity has played a key part in furthering the growth and accessibility of the Ninth. From bringing service dogs to the courthouse to providing key communications during the COVID-19 pandemic, Karen has been an unwavering asset to our circuit.

 As Chief Deputy Court Administrator, Karen has shown she is an irreproachable model of professionalism in her field. She’s provided exceptional mentorship to those around her, sought innovative solutions to complicated problems, and built a sense of trust and confidence in our courts that is simply unmatched. She’s spearheaded significant programs and services in our community, like the Jury Assistance Program and Central Florida Media Committee, while also guiding our circuit through a new digital age with the implementation of our court’s social media channels and podcast series. 

It is for these reasons and many more, that Karen is an excellent example of what this award stands for. Please join us in congratulating her on this well-deserved honor!

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