A photo of Judge Carsten announcing his appointment to the FL Courts Technology Commission

The Supreme Court of Florida appointed the Honorable Keith A. Carsten to the Florida Courts Technology Commission (FCTC).

The commission exists to oversee, manage, and direct the development and use of technology within the judicial branch. Commission members work together to consistently identify the best practices for using technology to benefit court users, including delivering timely information through traditional and innovative communication methods, improving the digital infrastructure of case management, and establishing standards of cybersecurity for courts throughout the state. 

Judge Carsten has a decade of experience as a Circuit Judge in the Ninth Judicial Circuit, additionally serving as Administrative Judge for the circuit since 2023. He’s had uncountable interactions with the benefits and challenges of using technology to enhance the court experience. His expertise will surely add value to the perspective and discussions at the FCTC.

Congratulations to Judge Keith Carsten on this prestigious appointment!

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