Images of Chief Judge Lisa Munyon and Circuit Judge Alicia Latimore on a dark blue background announcing their election to new leadership roles.

During a meeting yesterday, the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges swore in Chief Judge Lisa Munyon as their chair-elect. The conference assists circuit judges across Florida to continue evolving as professionals and to serve the public with efficiency. Judge Munyon served as the Conference's secretary for the past two years and looks forward to continuing to support the circuit judges throughout the state as chair-elect. 

At the same meeting, Judge Alicia Latimore was elected unopposed as the circuit conference member of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, which investigates allegations of judicial misconduct and disability against Florida state judges. With almost two decades of dedication to making justice accountable, Judge Latimore makes a wonderful addition to the Florida JQC. She is one of only two circuit judges on the commission. 

Congratulations to our judges, Lisa Munyon and Alicia Latimore, on their prestigious appointments!