On January 13th, Judge Bob Egan and Judge Tanya Wilson, the dynamic duo of Tanya and Bob Present, discuss one of the hardest aspects of a court case in 'You Make the Call: Do's and Don'ts of Closing Arguments.' Their presentation will take place in the Judicial Conference room on the 23rd floor of the Orange County Courthouse from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. They will focus on the best practices to follow to create a strong, memorable closing argument. Who better to learn from than the experts on the bench who hear closing arguments every day?
On January 15th, Brown Bagging with the Osceola Family Law Bench will take place at the Osceola County Courthouse from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Chief Judge Don Myers will introduce two of the Ninth Circuit's newest judges, Judge Diego Madrigal III and Judge Michael Kraynick, to the Osceola legal community in attendance. They will speak about their path to the bench, the background that formed who they are, and the nuances of their assigned judicial division, Unified Family Court. Judge Heather Pinder Rodriguez will also be making an appearance, and plans to answer questions about the Ninth Circuit's Injunction Pilot Program.
So mark your calendars and make sure to pack a lunch, because these are two events you'll be sorry you missed!