Media Relations 

The Ninth Judicial Circuit Court provides information to the media. While courtrooms are open to the public, media professionals must receive a media authorization card to cover court proceedings. This card allows the use of digital devices for reporting inside courtrooms, where such devices are typically not allowed. Please review the information below before applying. 

Steps to Obtain a Media Authorization Card 

  1. Read the Administrative Orders: 

  • Rule 2.450 of the Rules of Judicial Administration, Standards of Conduct and Technology Governing Electronic Media and Still Photography Coverage. 

  1. Apply for Media Status: 

  • Non-traditional media, meaning professionals or organizations who are not traditional print or broadcast communication channels as outlined in Administrative Order No. 07-96-19-04, must first apply for media status. [Apply for Media Status] 

  1. Apply for a Media Authorization Card: 

  1. Pick Up the Card: 

Processing Time: Applications are reviewed regularly. Cards are typically issued within two business days. 

Duration: Cards are valid for the calendar year of issuance, or until December 31 of the following year if issued after November 1. 

Cost: We offer ten complimentary cards per organization. Additional/replacement cards cost $20 each. Check with your organization about payment policies. 

Renewal: Apply for a new card every two years. Return your old card when picking up the new one. 

Media FAQ

Media Interest Case List

To view the media interest case list, click here.

Media Authorization Cards

To apply for a card, please fill out our Media Authorization Form.

Courtroom Access

To request accommodations, fill out the Media Request Form.

Media Inquiries

Direct all media inquiries and interview requests to Karen Levey and Julio Semino.


For additional court-related information, please contact:

Karen Levey
Chief Deputy Court Administrator

Julio Semino
Director of Court Programs

Matt Benefiel
Court Administrator

A/V Dept
Chief A/V Engineer
Audio/Visual On-Call Engineer