× Courts are open on Presidents Day - Monday, February 17. 5660

Orange County Courthouse


Orange County's court facilities have been overwhelmed by the exploding area growth and the concurrent growth in demand for judicial services. The resulting overcrowding and dispersion of court-related agencies have seriously hindered the efficiency, security, and integrity of the courts. In an attempt to address these and other concerns, a courthouse facility was opened in 1997 to accommodate Orange County's current and future judicial needs.


The complex includes a 23-level courthouse tower, stands 416 feet high, and has over 965,000 square feet of interior space. High-volume courts, Clerk of the Courts, and the jury assembly area are located in the tower's four-story base. A special purpose courtroom is located on the 23rd level. The courthouse is flanked by two buildings occupied by the Public Defender, Building A, and the State Attorney, Building B.


The courthouse parking garage is located on the north side of the complex. Entrances to the garage are off of Magnolia and Orange Avenues. Rates for parking are $2.00 per hour with a maximum of $15.00 for the day.

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Check with the individual agencies or programs for specific hours of operation.


425 N. Orange Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32801

Driving directions


Security Checkpoint

Firearm Restrictions

On April 3, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 543, which allows Floridians to carry concealed weapons without a government-issued permit. However, pursuant to Chapter 790 of the Florida Statutes, possession of weapons, firearms, and hazardous materials remains RESTRICTED in the courthouses of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. This includes the Orange County Office of the State Attorney and the Orange County Office of the Public Defender.

As the buildings are designated as Secure Facilities, anyone entering is subject to search of their person. Any person found possessing a weapon, firearm, or hazardous material of any kind will be denied access to the building unless the weapon, firearm, or hazardous material is surrendered to the proper authorities.

For more information regarding the restriction of weapons, firearms, and hazardous materials in the courthouses of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, please read Administrative Order No. 07-95-51-05.